Unravelling the earth's riddles
Location 1: Main Taleti, Near Koteshwar
GPS Readings: 24°21'52.66"N, 72°54'36.21"E
Rock : Impure Marble/Calc Gneiss
Feature seen: Ribbed Structure due to differential weathering, Asymmetrical fold in calc gneiss, Recline fold
Location 2: Parli Chaapri
GPS Readings: 24°22'11.42"N, 72°48'20.81"E
Base of the Road cut section
Rock: Mica schist
On top of road cut section
Rock: Amphibolite
Structure :Pillow Structure(as a palimpset)
Mineral : Epidote
Location 3 : Granite
GPS Reading: 24°21'7.13"N, 72°48'44.75"E
Rock :Granite
Feature seen: Xenolith
Location 4: Kengora Shear Zone
GPS Reading: 24°17'37.60"N, 72°45'8.00"E
Feature Seen: S-C fabric, Porphyoclast
Location 5:Near Kanpura
GPS Reading: 24°16'52.49"N, 72°40'8.07"E
Rock: Granite and Basic Granulite
Feature Seen: Listric Fault, Roof Pendant Xenolith of basic granulites in Granite
Location 6: Lit par Lit injection
GPS Reading: 24°17'23.18"N, 72°44'42.46"E
Rock : Granite and Basic Granulite
Feature Seen: Lit par Lit injection of granite into basic granulites
Location 7: Dolerite Dyke near Soorpagla
GPS Reading: 24°24'22.92"N, 72°46'27.15"E
Rocks: Pegmatite, Dolerite, amphibolite, calc granulite
Feature seen: Lensoidal Boudin, dolerite dyke, rectangular boudin, type 2 fold, type 3 fold, folded boudin, ptygmatic folds
Fieldwork done by:
Sushant Navarat
Vinoy Dsouza
(Geology Graduates)