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Location 1: Around Bilgi Area

Distance from Bagalkot Town:25-28km


Location 2: Mallaiya/ Malliarjun Thumaramatti

Distance from Bagalkot Town:20-25 km


Location 3:Gaddankeri cross

Distance from Bagalkot Town:5-6 km


Location 4:Around Lokapur

Distance from Bagalkot Town:40-45 km


Location 5: Mudhol Road

Distance from Bagalkot Town:40-42km


Location 6: Mudhol Road, Petlur Naka, State Highway 3

Distance from Bagalkot Town:43-45km

(ALl distances are approx dist.)


Rocks:Granite, Pegmatite, Limestone, Quartzite, Sandstone, Mudstone, Conglomerate, Shale, Phyllite, Chert Breccia 



  1. Sheeting Joints

  2. Xenolith

  3. Cross Bedding 

  4. Ripple Marks

  5. Elephant Skin Weathering

  6. Ball and Pillow Structure, Flame Structure

  7. Micro-Faulting

  8. Folds

  9. Boudins

  10. Doubly Plunging Anticline(Satellite Image)


An Overall Google Earth Image of all the Locations

Bagalkot Anticline

Ball and Pillow Structure

Folding in Rocks

Around Bagalkot, Bilgi & Lokapur , Bagalkot District, Karnataka , India

Year of Fieldwork : 2013


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