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Unravelling the earth's riddles
Around Khopoli
Distance From Pune: 85-90 km (Approx)
Year of Fieldwork: 2014
Location : Khopoli
Spot 1: Olivine Gabbro
Co-ordinates: 18.788552 N, 73.304405 E
Feature : Olivine Gabbro Intrusion
Spot 3:
Co-ordinates: 18.799309 N, 73.316814 E
Feature: Exposed country rock exhibiting GPB (Giant plagioclase basalt)
Spot 2:
Co-ordinates:18.790370 N, 73.309388 E
Feature: Contact between the country rock (Basalt ) and the intrusive Body(Olivine Gabbro)
Giant Plagioclase Basalt
Fieldwork Done by:
Mugdha Chimote, Vinoy Dsouza
(Geology Graduates)
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