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Around Udaipur, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

Year of Fieldwork:2015

Location 1:Zawar Mines

Distance from Udaipur:37-42 km


Location 2: Wollastonite Mines

Distance from Udaipur: 127-132 km


Location 3:Stromatolite Park, near Jhamersheji Temple

Distance from Udaipur: 28-32 km


Location 4: Chittorgarh Fort

Distance from Udaipur: 123-127 km


Location 5: Sursagar(Soorsagar) Sandstone Quarry

Distance from Jodhpur: 17- 23 km


Location 6: Mehrangarh Fort

Distance from Jodhpur: 9-14 km


Fieldwork on the way from Jodhpur to Jaisalmer


Location 7: At Kui Village

Distance from Jodhpur: 80-82 km


Location 8:Chandan

Distance from Jaisalmer: 46-50 km


Location 9:Bhojka Gravel Spread

Distance from Jaisalmer: 35-40 km


Location 10: Contact between Limestone and Sandstone

Distance from Jaisalmer: 17-23 km


Location 11: Fort Member, Transport Nagari

Distance from Jaisalmer: 3-8 km


Location 12:Bhadasar formation

Distance from Jaisalmer: 25- 30 km


Location 13:Kuldhara

Distance from Jaisalmer: 18-24 km


Location 14: Sam Sand Dunes

Distance from Jaisalmer: 40-43 km


(All distances are approx. distances)

Rocks :Limestone, Dolomite, Sandstone, Rhyolite,Shale



  1. Underground Mine

  2. Open Cast Mine

  3. Stromatolites

  4. Cross Bedding

  5. Different types of Ripple Marks

  6. Non-conformity

  7. Graded Bedding

  8. Columnar Joints

  9. Calcretes

  10. Body Fossils of Gastropod,Bivalves, Cephalopods

  11. Ichno-Fossils

Udaipur, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer

Zawar Mines

Satellite image of wollastonite mine

Satellite image of Sandstone Quarry

Locations Jodhpur to Jaisalmer

Ammonoid Fossil

Satellite Image of Sam sand dunes

Fieldwork done by:

Vinoy Dsouza 

(Geology Graduate)


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