Simplified Structural Map
Aim: To create a simplified map of the contact mapping done in the Area.
Things you Need: Contact mapping Readings, Structural Readings, MapSource Software(By Garmin), Adobe Photoshop or Corel Draw, Microsoft Paint Software.
Fieldwork :
While your doing the fieldwork , record your readings as:
It would be great if you can record GPS Readings at all the waypoints, it would be easier to plot the data on MapSource later on. If not, at least note down the GPS co-ordinates of the First waypoint/Spot and the bearings of the rest of the waypoints with respect to the preceding waypoints.
Plotting Data on MapSource:
Get to know the basic tools/functions in the software.
Zoom out /Zoom to an appropriate scale for your area.
Go to the Edit tab on the Top Right of your screen. Under Edit Tab, go to the new waypoint option (or just press Ctrl+W).
Waypoint properties for your new waypoint will appear. Type in your Waypoint 1(W1) Co-ordinates and click Ok.
You can see that your W1 is plotted on the map.
Similary you can add new waypoints if you know the co-ordinates of all the waypoints on your mapping route.
If you don’t have the co-ordiantes after waypoint 1 , you can plot the other waypoints using the bearing and distance readings.
Plotting using the bearing and distance :
Plot W1 using GPS readings.
Click on the Ruler Button at the center or Press the D key on your keyboard. Click on your first waypoint and move your mouse in a direction according to the bearing and distance reading. You can see the dist. and bearing with respect to W1 shown at the bottom of your screen.
Once your cursor reaches the desired point where the reading and distance is same as your reading press W key. And left-lcick with your mouse.
You can see that your waypoint 2 is created.
Similarly create rest of the waypoints using the preceding waypoint.
[Adjust the scale using the zoom in/zoom out tool, so that you get your bearing and dist precise.]
After Plotting all your waypoints, Press R key (Shortcurt for route tool) and click on all your waypoints in proper order.
You will see that a route is created between all the waypoints.
You can see the Waypoint and Route info on the left hand side Panel.
At the end adjust your map to proper scale and take a screenshot of your screen.
Get the jpeg/png file of your screenshot using Paint software.(Go to Paint > Press ctrl+v > Crop the picture > Save the Picture).
Enhancing the map on Adobe Photoshop:
Open the map image on photoshop.
Create a a duplicate layer of your image by pressing Ctrl+J.(A duplicate layer is created so as to keep your original image as it is and you can delete the duplicate layer if you want to revert back to the original layer). We will be working on the duplicate layer.
Just go through the photoshop tools if you are a first time user.
Study the readings and the field evidences(if any)of your contact mapping and interpret where there should be a fault, fold etc.(Example: Substantial changes in the Fore bearing/Back Bearing may indicate faulting, Change in dip direction may indicate folding )[I have shown faulting , in this example.]
Use the Line tool and create the fault line wherever necessary.
Now, Click on the Lasso tool. Right click the Lasso toolbox to see different types of Lasso tools. Select the Magnetic Lasso tool.
Click on one of the ends of your mapping route to start selecting your area, follow the cursor along the contact mapping route.
You will see kind of thread is going out of your cursor along the route and marking points at regular intervals. These points are marking your area of selection. At points where the thread isnt according to your wish, press Ctrl+z to undo to the previous point and click on the spot where you want the points to be. When you reach the other end of the route , go to any side of the route(i have chosen the north side of route), mark the field points and create a field as shown in the diagram. Remember to close the field by clicking on the point where you had first began marking your field. After this you will see that the area you ‘Marked’ has been selected.
Go to the Paint Bucket Tool, select the colour from the colour panel [keep the mode on Paint bucket tool to multiply] and paint the selected area.
Similarly do the same Procedure for the other “Rock Field”.
Now you can further enhance the map by adding Co-ordinate Lines, Map Index and Structural Reading Info on the map using Text Toolbox, Line Toolbox etc.
To Add structural reading such as strike and Dip :
Download the Strike-dip image file/fault arrows from internet(or just ping me, i ll send you the file).
Open it in photoshop and copy it . Paste it on your map image file which is also open on photoshop.
Transform it according to your size and orientation using the transform tool( ctrl+T shortcut).
Then add the values to the symbols using Text Tool.
Such maps make the geological reports simple and informative.
Happy Hammering ... :)
[Software used in Illustrations: MapSource version 3.02 by Garmin, Adobe Photoshop 7.0]
If any queries feel free to ask....